Our Story
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Our StoryMiracle of Faith Mennonite Church is a member of the Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference.
Starting in 1995, Elder Kent Besson and Elder Egbert Pascascio led the congregation which later became Miracle of Faith Mennonite Church. We faced many struggles during the first few years, including not having a building to worship in. For a period of time starting in 1999, our meeting place was under a tree in the backyard of one of our members while seeking God’s direction. That is how the tree logo for our ministry came about. The blessing of purchasing our church building came in September 2000. This is our current location. We were very thankful to God for such a miracle, because in the natural, it did not seem possible. But, the faithful few members that were left stood in faith, believed God, and he worked a miracle for us, thus becoming Miracle of Faith. Although there was a lot of work to be done, we started holding services in our new building almost immediately, while construction was in progress. God has always been faithful. We have two pastors serving in our ministry, as follows: Senior Pastor: Egbert Pascascio Associate Pastors: Pablo Mendoza |